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Five years at the top!

Posted: 04/08/2013

Five years at the top!
The Old Vicarage has been awarded a 5-Star Gold award from EnjoyEngland.

For the fifth year running, The Old Vicarage in Swaledale has received a 5-Star Gold award from EnjoyEngland for 2013/2014. This is the highest rating possible in this nationally recognised scheme for holiday accommodation that is designed to give consumers a quality benchmark when booking a holiday.

In their report, the assessors said:

"The Old Vicarage is a very well presented property that continues to offer a very high standard of excellent, comfortable, well-maintained accommodation for its market. The Proprietors are to be congratulated on the continued maintaining of these extremely high standards helping ensure that guests enjoy a full Five Star package. Sitting very comfortably at the upper end of the Five Star Self-Catering rating, it is also a pleasure to confirm that the Gold Award has again been awarded for another year, further reflecting these high standards and the exceptional facilities on offer."

The Old Vicarage was assessed at this level by the national tourism regulators when it re-opened under the new ownership in 2010 and has kept the rating ever since. It is one of the top self-catering holiday properties in the Yorkshire Dales.

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