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Check availability →Posted: 05/03/2012
We are pleased to announce the birth of Arraien – the latest addition to our resident herd of Highland Cattle.
Arraien (a Gaelic name pronounced Arrun) is a gorgeous white Highland calf, who had a very tricky arrival into the world. His first few days were rather nail-biting and we had a number of sleepless nights trying to bottle-feed and care for him. However, the intensive nursing paid off and he is now strong and healthy, frisking around the fields with the rest of the herd.
For those of you who have yet to meet them, the Highlands are a long horned herd of native cattle that can be seen grazing in the fields around The Old Vicarage. They have many fans amongst our guests and there are plenty of opportunities to get to know them better. Children in particular love to groom their long coats or help out at feeding time.
We currently have five breeding cows, four heifers (young females), five calves, and – keeping a close eye on them all – a fantastic looking bull named Calum. Once you get your eye in, it’s quite easy to tell who’s who. Apart from the obvious difference in colour (we have red, black, yellow – and now white – Highlands) they have varying shaped faces and horns. They also have their own personalities. Arraien’s mother, Old Anna, was the first member of the herd and likes to lord it over the others but for now she is a very proud, and watchful, mum.
If you would like to stay at The Old Vicarage, please book online or call us direct on 01748 884348 or 07704 455854.
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