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If you would like to stay at The Old Vicarage, please book online or call us direct on 01748 884348 or 07704 455854.
Check availability →Posted: 22/07/2014
We currently have two new broods of ducklings and chicks pottering around in the Autumn sunshine. Our friendly collection of poultry live in a large walled grass area next to the converted stone outbuildings that house the extensive leisure facilities.
Guests often stop and lean over the wall to watch them pecking for food and particularly enjoy witnessing the antics of the comical Indian Runner Ducks as they waddle around quacking for attention.
We provide fresh eggs in the visitors' welcome hampers and people regularly comment on how much tastier they are than their supermarket counterparts. Perhaps it is all the fresh air and good living?!
If you would like to stay at The Old Vicarage, please book online or call us direct on 01748 884348 or 07704 455854.
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