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If you would like to stay at The Old Vicarage, please book online or call us direct on 01748 884348 or 07704 455854.
Check availability →Posted: 15/03/2017
Spring is definitely here! Daffodils are fully in flower - following on from the carpets of snowdrops - and there is even warmth in the sun on bright days. We've also heard the first calls of the charismatic curlews and skylarks have been spotted rising from the top meadows, together with flocks of golden plovers.
And it's not just birds that are on the move. Guests have reported seeing badgers and deer travelling to and from the river. There are also lots of lambs in the surrounding fields.
The fact that nature is literally all around us is one of the things that visitors really enjoy about The Old Vicarage, which provides a welcome retreat from the hustle and bustle of regular life. There are dozens of footpaths and bridleways to discover and plenty of interesting places to visit for a day out. We are always happy to advise people according to their interests.
If you would like to stay at The Old Vicarage, please book online or call us direct on 01748 884348 or 07704 455854.
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